
Using Terraform to deploy an OVH public cloud server.

This is the fifth in a series of posts that will walk you through using the Openstack-based OVH public cloud. In this post you will get introduced to using Terraform to create Openstack servers using the Openstack API. This post is assumes you have already signed up for an account with, added a payment method, created a cloud project, created an Openstack user, created a ssh keypair in the Horizon UI and downloaded the openrc.

Using Vagrant to deploy an OVH public cloud server

This is the fourth in a series of posts that will walk you through using the Openstack-based OVH public cloud. In this post you will get introduced to using Vagrant to create Openstack servers using the Openstack API. This post is assumes you have already signed up for an account with, added a payment method, created a cloud project, created an Openstack user, created a ssh keypair in the Horizon UI and downloaded the openrc.

Using rclone to manage OVH Public Cloud swift storage

This is the third in a series of posts that will walk you through using the Openstack-based OVH public cloud. In this post you will get introduced to using rclone to upload and retrieve files from the Openstack swift API. This post is assumes you have already signed up for an account with, added a payment method, created a cloud project and created an Openstack user. If you have not done these steps you can follow the steps in the first and second blog post in this series that will walk you through completing those steps.

Using the Openstack cli to create a server on OVH public cloud

This is the second in a series of posts that will walk you through using the Openstack-based OVH public cloud. In this post you will get introduced to using the Openstack cli to create an Openstack server. This post is assumes you have already signed up for an account with, added a payment method and created a cloud project. If you have not done these steps you can follow the first blog post in this series that will walk you through completing those steps.

Manually creating an openstack server on OVH public cloud

This is the first in a series of posts that will walk you through using the openstack-based OVH public cloud. In this post you will get introduced to using the UI to create an Openstack server. I will attempt in this post to present the options that are available to OVH public cloud customers along side the choices I made that were specific to my server. Let’s get started…

Exploring the OVH public cloud and opensource tools that can use it.

This post is the beginning of a series of posts that will explain how to use the openstack-based OVH public cloud UI and opensource tools that you can use to automate and manage your openstack infrastructure. Over the last few years, I have worked primarily with VMware products and have not taken the time to learn with openstack. Now that the OVH public cloud has launched in the United States, and I work for OVH US, I figured it was time to start learning how customers could put this offering to use.