Vagrant Vcloud

Installing Vagrant and the vagrant-vcloud plugin on CentOS 6.x

In this post I’m setting out to explain how to create a CentOS 6.4 vm, from template, in vCHS (or a vCloud Director instance) and then install vagrant-vcloud on that. 1. Create a CentOS 6.x minimal virtual machine from a template in a vCHS organization. I will demonstrate creating a new CentOS vm in vCHS using a template, but you could just as easily create a new CentOS virtual machine from scratch in vCloud Director.

Introducing the vagrant-vcloud provider

While continuing to explore what the vagrant-vsphere provider is capable of I came across the vagrant-vcloud provider, which had recently released a new version. I work for the vCHS operations group, so I figured it would be interesting to compare the feature differences of the vsphere & vcloud providers. Over the next few blog posts I intend to cover the following vagrant-vcloud provider related topics: Installing Vagant and the vagrant-vcloud plugin on a CentOS 6.