Recently at work, the vCloud Air Zombie team has been using Packer to generate Vagrant templates for use in development and testing. I have previously covered how to use Packer to create create a .box template for use with Vagrant, but I thought it might be useful to others to demonstrate how we are using Packer to create images.
This will be the first of several blog posts in which I intend to cover:
- Installing a ESXi 6.0 virtual machine for use with Packer - this is where Packer will be creating the virtual machine image.
- Setting up Packer, ovftool and Apache web server on a CentOS virtual machine - this will be where we will be editing and running the Packer templates.
- Creating our first Packer template for installing CentOS 6.7 with vmtools - templates are the instructions for how a Packer image should be built.
- Copying our existing CentOS 6.7 template and adding the Puppet agent - having the puppet agent in an image allows us to use puppet to describe configurations using puppet in either Packer and Vagrant.
- Using ovftool to convert Packer generated virtual machines into Vagrant .box files - ovftool allows you to export the Packer created images in either a Fusion or vSphere compatible format.
- Scripted Packer build, ovftool export and Vagrant .box file creation - pulling everything we have done with Packer template creation and ovftool export into a single script
I have also created a github repository to contain the Packer configuration files using during this series. You can access the github repository at
These posts will hopefully be helpful by providing details on the process of using Packer to generate Vagrant .box files.